Different expressions of Church
‘Sanctuary First’ is a congregation of the Church of Scotland, but unlike Strontian, Ardgour and Morvern Parish churches it doesn’t have a building and it doesn’t have parish boundaries! Sanctuary First is a virtual online resource which seeks to engage with those who may not find existing forms of church helpful in their spiritual journal. There are many expressions of church… and many within the umbrella of Strontian Morvern and Ardgour Churches… the traditional Sunday worship, Cafe Church, Messy Church, various small groups and other occasions for engaging in matters of Christian faith.
This Christmas time, I hope and pray that many will be sustained in their faith; that many will develop and deepen their commitment to Christ and his ways; and that some will be awakened to the realisation that the Jesus story isn’t just history but living reality. At Christmas we celebrate that God crept into our human experience, he became as one of us to show the way of love, peace, justice, joy and hope. Within the constraints of human language and experience, stories, songs, and symbols point us toward the mystery of God’s love for everyone and for all creation. Was Mary a virgin? What did Joseph really think? Did Mary ride on a donkey? Was it a stable? Did the shepherds leave their sheep? Was the star Halley’s Comet? How many wise men were there? Questions perhaps to be pondered by Nativity play directors! I don’t know exactly what happened when Jesus of Nazareth was born, but I know the story of Christmas to be true – revealing God in Christ who shared the fragility of human life.
I hope to see old faces and new faces at the various events and services in this last week before Christmas. I hope that whatever your situation you find ways to awaken, develop or sustain awareness of God’s blessing in your life. Sanctuary First has some great resources – there’s really beautiful reflection on Mary’s response (podcast link half way down the page at Sanctuary First)
Different things are happening around the parishes of Morvern, Ardgour, & Strontian – Carols by the tree, Readings and Carols, Coffee and Conversation, Blog posts, one more podcast episode before Christmas, Carols by Candlelight (Strontian Church 7pm 24th), Watchnight services – 11.30pm at Ardgour and Kiel Churches. I hope there’s something for you…
With every good wish and blessing this Christmas time…