2020: Mission Makeover
For over a decade people have looked towards “2020 Vision”… what is our vision, our hope for the Church for 2020 and beyond…
Could you be part of a Mission Makeover?
The three congregations of Morvern, Ardgour and Strontian have been dipping into reserves over recent years. The simple fact is: if we do nothing to turn things around we are talking months rather than years until the congregations cease to be viable. Covid19 has brought this reality into sharp focus – but this is a long standing time of decline.
Finance is easily measured. Behind reduced income lies declining membership and engagement with the life of the Church. Let me repeat: If we do nothing, we are going nowhere.
But, we can do something… So, are you up for a few months of massive action to make a difference – not to get us back to “normal” – but to move forward in the mission and adventure of faith in Jesus Christ
Some ideas
- Will you pray regularly for the congregations?
- Could you raise some funds for the congregation(s)? Is there something you could produce and make available for others with proceeds going to Church funds?
- Would you be interested in resurrecting the idea of a FundRaising Recipe Book?
- Could you help with some of the admin tasks, freeing up some of the minister’s time for mission and ministry?
- Could you lead a prayer in worship? Or write a prayer to share online?
- Could you share the Church facebook page to family and friends and tell them what you value about being a part of the congregation?
- Will you encourage family, friends and neighbours to join in the online quiz?
- Could you make a special one-off donation beyond your regular weekly offering?
- Can you think of other things to add to this list?
- … more will be added to this work in progress.