Holy Week and Easter 2021
Various online and a few off-line events will be happening around the linked parishes. On the Lochaber Presbytery website are details of various online opportunities for worship and reflection.
Of particular note is the Maundy Thursday online communion which will be led by Rev Sandy Stoddart on Thu 1st at 7pm on Zoom. The login for this event is unique (not the usual AKSM login) and can be obtained from Rev Donald or any of the session clerks.
And on Good Friday there will be a shared worship video on the Lochaber Presbytery YouTube channel
On Easter Sunday there will be video worship on the AKSM YouTube Channel, and there will be worship at Ardgour Church, 10am and Kiel Church, 12noon. Booking to attend these services is essential – to Fiona Maclean of Ardgour, or to Rev Donald for Kiel. Face coverings must be worn and various other precautions will be observed.