Strontian Church Building
There will be an open meeting on Wednesday 8th September on Zoom regarding the Strontian Church building. The small worshipping congregation of Strontian Parish Church can no longer justify maintaining the building, and simply cannot afford to do so. The building has served the congregation since the 1820s, and is in need of major roof work and other renovations.
There has occasionally been suggestion of a Heritage Centre for the village and it may be that the Telford designed Parliamentary Church building could be the site for church a project. There have been some informal talks with the various local community bodies and with the General Trustees of the Church of Scotland who would look sympathetically towards a community project. The win-win situation might be that the building could remain as a venue for Worship, Weddings, Funerals and other purposes.
The open meeting will be on Zoom – and you are invited to attend and share your ideas, time and effort to work towards this aim.
Details including the Zoom link for the meeting are now on the website at the Strontian page
In the meantime, building or no building, the Church continues to serve all in the community – all are warmly invited to share in weekly worship online or on-site. Do contact the minister if you would like to speak further about this project – or indeed any matter, or would welcome a listening ear…