Thy Kingdom Come :: 1
On this Ascension Day, let us pray for the World Church… and for the Church of Scotland…
We pray for the church…in these times of radical change and challenge,
that we may fulfil our mission to preach repentance, transformation and forgiveness in Christ’s name.
May we leave behind, our timidity, our insularity,
our concern for respectability
and the divisions among us.
Let us pick up – boldness, clarity…
and a desire and willingness to serve together
turning our minds towards the Gospel, the world and each other
praying not our will… but Thy will be done – Thy Kingdom come.
We pray for Martin our Moderator as he leads the Church of Scotland in these days,and for all engaged in the ongoing work of Committees and Forums of General Assembly
for staff and elected members working towards appropriate and effective ways to live out your mission through the Church in our time.
For the Assembly Trustees we pray as they seek to discern priorities
within the constraints of limited human and financial resource,knowing too of the unlimited resource of your promised and Holy, Spirit
Loving God, in the the name of your Son Jesus, in the power of the Spirit we bring our prayers…
for the world, for the Church, for our nation, for our communities,
for our families, and for our selves…hear us we pray…