Advent Reflection: December 10: Luke chapter 10
Read Luke Chapter 10 (you can use a Bible you have, or follow the link)
Luke Chapter 10 brings us back to a parable… a story that Jesus told… and perhaps the best known and loved of all the parables… the parable of the Good Samaritan. A story so familiar that you may in fact have noticed something as you read it today and thought… ah… I hadn’t noticed that before… It’s the text book short story… expectations reversed… and the hearer then and now has to conclude that the neighbour is the one who showed kindness.
Random acts of kindness will punctuate many advent intentions… and perhaps today you can rise to the challenge to “go and do likewise”, sharing God’s loving kindness in an unexpected way…
May this Advent be a time of prayer and reflection…
With love, truth and light…