December 4
Read Luke Chapter 4 (you can use a Bible you have, or follow the link)
After the high point of Jesus’ baptism comes the 40 days in the wilderness. It’s often like that isn’t it… that good times are followed by life’s challenges. The forty days has echoes of prior times including 40 days of rain for Noah, and 40 years journeying to the promised land for Moses and the Israelites. Forty often signifies a period of change and transition. Empowered by the Holy Spirit Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee, preaching and teaching. In the Nazareth synagogue he reads words from 8 centuries earlier from the prophet Isaiah – the words in verses 18 and 19, Jesus says come true. Words that take on new significance in Jesus, words that speak truth to power… good news for the poor, the captive, blind and oppressed. There’s a bit of a theme emerging isn’t there… Jesus speaks of a Kingdom very different from the worldly Roman Empire… and brings hope to the poor, outcast and marginalised… and that’s precisely what those who will follow him are invited to do and join with Jesus in saying “I must preach the Good News about the Kingdom of God… because that is what God sent me to do”
May this Advent journey continue to bless, inspire and encourage you…
With love, truth and light…