Advent Reflection: December 8
Read Luke Chapter 8 (you can use a Bible you have, or follow the link)
Chapter 8 bring us to the first of the parables of Jesus – the parable of the sower. The image is of the farmer sowing seed in the knowledge that only some of the seed with produce a good crop – some will fall along the pathways, some in shallow soil, and some among thorns. So too with the hopes and promises from God… not always heard, accepted, believed… So too with every act of kindness we offer… we never know in advance how it will be received.
A true story I heard many years ago tells of a young girl who answered the first 8 of 10 questions in a test at school and put her pencil down. When the teacher asked why she hadn’t answered question 9 or 10, she replied, “Well no one ever gets more that 8/10 – so why bother”.
Even when we know our attempts might fail… when the kind word, smile, hand reached out in reconciliation, offer of help… might be rejected…might fall on hard rocky pathways… we continue to love. We do bother… and we trust that some of what we sow shall yield a harvest.
May you continue to be blessed… and be a blessing… this Advent…
With love, truth and light…
PS: for details of all that’s on during Advent, including this evening’s Peninsula Carols – 7pm at Strontian Village Hall.